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EM-eco public relations company

Business type: Services
Business type: Importer, Exporter, Local market
Number of employees: 5 - 10
Annual sales value: Euro < 500.000
Established year: 1998

Printing & Publishing

Business services

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Firm Rank: 0

company_photosIn response to the market demand for professional PR services PAWLAK PR has been providing its services as PR company since 1998.

Our earlier experience enabled us to create a public relations company that is friendly to the client. We carry out vast majority of the work for our clients inside the company. We always start our work with the clients with becoming acquainted with their goals and plans concerning activities they wish to undertake. We try to evaluate the market trends at a given point of time. We are open to suggestions that is not to say that we do not have any thoughts and proposals of our own. Our primary aim is to develop the assumptions and solution to suit your needs. The projects we release are the projects meeting your expectations. We want this situation to happen whenever you entrust your image in our hands. All in all, you build your reputation and image for many years.

We have expert specialists in the area of corporate and political communications and experts specialising in the economic and social issues. The employees of our company - PAWLAK PR - observe the prevailing ethical standard set forth in the Code of Ethics of the Polish Public Relations Association and the Best Practices Code of the Public Relations Companies Organisation.

Address data

Street:Skrytka pocztowa 13
City:Warszawa 130
Postal code:02-771
Phone: +48 533 969669


Contact person

Name and Surname: Sławomir Pawlak
Phone: +48 22 3730015
Mobile: +48 533969669
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